
呉天章(ウ・ティエンチャン) WU Tien-Chang

WU Tien-Chang

In the 1980s, Wu Tien-Chang emerged in the art world with a series of graphic paintings full of new local imagery. Creating works that examined themes such as politics and history, he was hailed as a pioneer in the Taiwanese art world after the lifting of martial law in Taiwan. In the 1990s, Wu switched to photographic composite media and started a series of photographic creations full of Taiwanese cultural flavor called “Taiwanist Aesthetics.” In the early 2000s, the boom in computer photography retouching and compositing technology also became a tool for his research and creation. Through set design and the precision of digital technology, he used “staged photography” to produce many shocking, powerful, and popular images. After 2010, Wu once again challenged himself by integrating moving images and theatrical space to create “dynamic images.” Through techniques such as one-take shooting, snapshots, and high-speed filming, as well as the use of interactive installations at the exhibition site, he presented an uncanny visual style. The atmosphere of film also opened up a new creative route for Wu, combining his concepts of “dynamic images” and “spatial theater.”