
Educational Program Free

[Advance reservation required] "Photo Dojo—Find a YEBIZO" Workshop

2/4/2024 2/11/2024

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 1F Studio

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[Advance reservation required]

Kitagawa Takayoshi

A workshop by Kitagawa Takayoshi (artist), master of the “Photo Dojo—Find a Photo.” Work titles in the festival will provide participants with hints to find subjects of interest for a large quantity of photos that will be combined to create a video. To conclude the workshop, a grand presentation will be held in which each participant will share his or her own unique idea.

Date: February 4: Photography day
February 11: Editing/Presentation day
*Both days
Venue: Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 1F Studio (Presentation: 1F Hall)
Instructor: Kitagawa Takayoshi (artist), Photo Dojo—Find a Photo
Admission: Free
Eligibility: Adults, parents and children(elementary third grade students and older)*Participants must be able to attend both days
Capacity: 8 pairs
Advance reservation required
Japanese only
*Anyone can attend the presentation on Feb. 11th.