
YEBIZO MEETS Partnership Program Ticketed Event

The Reading – MITAMURA Midori, OKAKU Noriko

2/14/2017 - 2/19/2017 13:00 - 21:00


The Reading – MITAMURA Midori, OKAKU Noriko

In her installations, MITAMURA Midori uses flotsam and jetsam
gathered from the shoreline to spin tales of “lives that could
have been”. At the request of the British city of Derby, London based
artist OKAKU Noriko produced a set of tarot cards that
reference local history and legends. Here, these two artists will
read the lives of people heading into diverse futures through the
prism of our world, in which multiple answers await.

Date 2.14 Tue. – 2.19 Sun. 13:00-21:00
Venue AL|1F, 3-7-17 Ebisuminami, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
Admission ¥500|Includes 1 drink. (Dance Performance by IWABUCHI Teita on 2.18 Sat. 19:30 : ¥2,500, includes 1 drink)

Tel: 03-5722-9799

MITAMURA Midori, Luna Park, 2015