

Gabriella MANGANO & Silvana MANGANO

2/10/2017 - 2/26/2017

Tokyo Photographic Art Museum 2F Exhibition Gallery

Gabriella MANGANO & Silvana MANGANO

Gabriella MANGANO and Silvana MANGANO have created numerous
video works in which the body’s movement and its relationship with the
landscape are depicted in an abstract way, with the artists themselves as
models. There is no there (2015) was inspired by the “Blue Blouse,” a political
propaganda theatre movement which spread across the Soviet Union in the
mid-1920s. During that period, news of various kinds was conveyed to the
people in the form of accessible theatrical performances, through the medium
of actors’ bodies. Here the artists extract poses and gestures from images in
the contemporary news media, and reenact them through the medium of
multiple women’s bodies.

There is no there, 2015 / Single-channel video / Collection of the artist / Courtesy of Anna Schwartz Gallery, Melbourne


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