
堀潤 HORI Jun


Journalist, newscaster. Born in 1977, Hori is the representative director of 8 bitNews, a nonprofit organization, and representative of GARDEN, Inc. Formerly an NHK announcer, he joined NHK in 2001 and was a reporter on “News Watch 9,” and a newscaster on “Business and Sports.” As a guest researcher at UCLA in 2012, he produced Metamorphosis, a documentary file about nuclear power plant meltdowns in Japan and the United States, which won the Special Award at the Kyoto Indies International Film Festival. In 2013, Hori left NHK to head the nonprofit 8bitNews. He founded GARDEN, Inc., in 2016. Since April 2019, he has been an invited researcher at Waseda University’s Global Consolidated Research Institute for Science Wisdom. The second film he directed, I Do not Allow Division, will open in theaters in March, 2020. His reportage and filming of this movie, which takes “division,” within countries and without, as its theme, continued for six years, in refugee camps in Palestine, Gaza, Jordan, Syria, and in Cambodia, Hong Kong, the United States, Pyongyang, Okinawa, and Fukushima.