
ロジャー・マクドナルド Roger MCDONALD


MAD (Making Art Different) program director; AIT (Arts Initiative Tokyo) curator. Born in Tokyo, educated in Britain, with a bachelor’s degree in international politics, a master’s degree in mysticism and religious experience (Zen and psychedelic culture), and a doctorate in art history, for which his advisor was Roger Cardinal, author of Outsider Art (1972). An independent curator since 1998, he has served as the assistant curator of the Yokohama Triennale 2001 and curator of the inaugural Singapore Bipan and overseas. After moving to Saku, Nagano prefecture, he opened and is director of an expennale, in 2006. Since 2003, he has taught as an adjunct professor at art universities in Jaerimental house museum, Fenberger House. McDonald was also one of the founding members of AIT.